One of the things I love about social media is how it captures our memories! I also believe this feature is contributing to rising censorship. It’s a lot harder to lie to people when we can juxtapose clips side by side over the years, and show the falsehoods, hysteria, lies and hypocrisy for what it is: A sham and scam. For example: climate change claims stemming from the 1970s that still haven’t materialized.
FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.
Below, we have a Facebook memory from 6 years ago. If you want to learn more about the voices in my head, and how I healed myself, start HERE.
How aware are YOU of your own self-talk? Have you identified the voices in your head? Friends or foes? For me, identifying, and learning to disregard the meanies in my head, was a massive step towards restoring my mental balance. If you suffer from stress, anxiety, negative self-talk, or other mental issues, you can HEAL. But it starts with making YOURSELF YOUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY, and regrouping from head-to-toe: your habits, your diet, your family, your friends, your exercise and self-care routines. If you want to get better, here’s the first thing to internalize: Be selfish. It’s okay, in fact, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself, and society at-large.
Yep, I said it: BEING SELFISH should be your #1 goal!

Next, we have a classic meme from 2012: The Philosoraptor! Here he is asking a valid question about marijuana prohibition. How people tolerate the illegality of a plant they want to consume is beyond me! How can Nature be illegal? Surely the people who deem it so are evil? Only Control Freaks, the most evil of evil people (those who think they own others or “know better”), would come up with a plan that legalizes alcohol, A NEUROTOXIN that rots your brain, and ban something for which you have receptors in your body. Philosoraptor gave me plenty of shareable memes over the years, and I even made a few myself. One of mine I can remember? “230 Million in Democide? Worth the Roads?”

I’m giving them hell on Twitter, even if no one can see! I was so shadow-banned, I don’t even show up on the lists of being shadow-banned, but then there was that one glorious week after Elon took over where my engagement went up 150% and I got 1,000+ new followers, then I said Fauci should hang, got suspended for a week, and now, well, it’s a slog again…

ICYMI, the storm in the teacup for the past 2 weeks was banning gas stoves. I posted the pic below on my Insta A DAY BEFORE JOE ROGAN. Ahem.

Finally, a bonus memory from 13 years ago, because then and always, and even now, in my Fifties, I will forever make unicorn jokes!