This is not an April Fool’s joke, this IS a delicious orange and feta lamb heart salad with radishes, shallots, and pumpkin seeds.
The trick is to cook the heart in a hot pan for ONLY a minute on each side.
I trimmed the white bits off (Obi said NOM) and then cut the heart into 3 pieces per internet instructions.
The three pieces vary in thickness so be sure to cook the thinnest piece the shortest (30 secs per side) and let everything rest for 5 minutes before salting and slicing.

Organ meats are incredibly good for your health!
Once you learn how to prepare them correctly, you’ll wonder why you haven’t been indulging for years.
If you’ve been avoiding getting into the organ meat consumption business because you hate the taste of liver, know this, I prefer heart to liver by orders of magnitude, so try it!
What’s the worst that can happen?
Trying new things, in this case–as they say in The Biz–my less attractive angles. Heh.
Post-shower, post-strength workout–which today involved going up five pounds on my lifts and those lifts include things like Dead Romanian Goblets, or sumthang!
You are never to old to get a grip on your health and well-being!
I’m also working on my hanging strength because I heard a Huberman Lab podcast that said men should be able to hang for 2+ minutes and women for 1.5.
When I started a couple of weeks ago, I could do 10 seconds and I’m up to 30 seconds. Trying to add one second every time!
For folks who don’t like strength training… me either! But I’m mindfully approaching it with help from Louis who finds it vastly amusing that my boobs are often in the way.
YOU are the master of your health! Make the right choices now and Future You will thank you! Live free and thrive!
Today is DAY FIVE of my first FAST of 2023.
Goal for 2023: Fast 5 days once per month, which ends up being 2 months no eating by the end of year. TWO MONTHS of not eating! Wow!
Why? Save money, free time, great energy, and SUPER GOOD FOR YOU: Autophagy! Recycle old cells! (Pic from yesterday: No makeup, no filter, I turn 51 next month.)
This is my 4th or 5th 5 day fast. I generally eat low carb, whole foods & avoid sugar & seed oils. Worked my way up over past 18 months, so if this is something YOU want for GREATER HEALTH, start with regular IF (intermittent fasting), then 24hrs, 3 day, 5 day. I did a week once but 5-day works best for me.
I do water and black tea and coffee. In past, have added homemade broth Day 4/5 but didn’t need it this time. Electrolytes x2 for foot cramping. Breaking tonight at Indigenous Dinner w/this menu.
Pro-tip: I planned to go to this dinner w/friends bc sometimes the urge to keep going–Louis Calitz & I can get competitive–causes stress towards the end, “should we/shouldn’t we?”. Now there’s a “hard stop” built-in.
I’ll be writing more about my fasting journey this year. Follow along, and feel free to ask questions! Greater health is there for the taking… you just have to want it enough!
Building good habits and replacing bad ones takes time. How are you spending yours? <—Number One thing to assess if you’re SEEKING changes in your life <—Why you need to be journaling! 😉
Happy New Year! 2023 is the Next Chapter in Your Life… Whatcha Going to Do?
May 2023 deliver all your dreams and desires. Remember, this is more likely to happen if:
1. You write down your goals
2. You break theses goals into smaller parts
3. You measure your progress
Life is simply how you are spending your time. Spend your time wisely (or foolishly! ;-)) but spend it MINDFULLY!
Much LOVE and HEALTH to everyone as YOU start writing the next chapter in your book of life.
Here are some blog posts I have written over the years relating to significant changes I have made in my own life (losing weight; quitting alcohol (PART 1, PART 2, 7 REASONS TO QUIT, ANXIETY); dealing with childhood crap). I hope this inspires YOU! If you ever have questions or want support, holler!
These photos from one year apart came up in my memories & I wanted to post them because they serve as a good, motivating reminder of the changes I’ve CHOSEN… If you are anything like me, seeing people succeed when they put their minds to it, is motivating!
From quitting alcohol to prioritizing my health through mindful lifestyle choices like #keto#meditation#sleep, I am grateful that I’ve chosen to #LiveFreeAndThrive!
If YOU want to make changes, know YOU can! I’m here to help! Check out my website for lots of content about my journey.
Know this: the more you choose healthy stuff, the easier it becomes!
I’ve lost and kept off more than 50+ lbs and I’m super proud!
The FDA’s recommended Standard American Diet (SAD) is based on super shady “science.” You should eat very little carbs or sugar, and invert the Food Pyramid if you want to be healthy (high good fats, medium protein, and low carbs). The law of economics says, the more you subsidize something, the more of it you will get. The government subsidizes corn and sugar. Americans suffer from *self-inflicted chronic* metabolic disease at an alarming rate, almost 50% of Americans are obese, and THIS is the advice that is being given? Here’s the reality: The Big Biz/Big Gov cronyism is so corrupt now, it is safe to say, if you want to live a long and healthy life, do the opposite of what these clowns recommend. Whatever you do: Stop the denial; it serves no one, least of all you. Get yourself weighed, get on a decent diet (I recommend paleo/keto), and get yourself well. Please.
From a Facebook post in 2019: A friend asked for more details about my weight loss journey, and since I wrote a long-ish response to her, thought I’d share it here too.
1. Alcohol: I quit drinking in Dec 2017, and for me, that was a big part of the success story, but mostly bc I was drinking a lot of wine daily, and those calories added up… Also, wasn’t making the best food/life decisions when sauced up.
2. Eating out: I don’t eat out much anymore, and when I do, I usually just get a salad with some kind of protein. Not eating out is mostly bc my home cooked meals are better than 99% of local restaurants, and I’ve gotten REALLY fussy about where my food is sourced. So that’s mostly a personal choice, but I know people who can balance the eating out and keto quite successfully, but you have to be willing to be particular when you place your order (and that’s OK).
3. What’s in the house/microwaving: We did a serious PURGE of our pantry when we switched. Threw out/donated anything that is not supposed to cross our lips. This is an important step. Trust me… My parents came to visit, and my dad put some Pringles in the pantry, and for me, it was like having crack in the house and I ended up eating IT ALL, LOL, and then reminding myself that I can’t have stuff like that around… So my pantry has a million types of NUTS instead.
The crux of my journey–everyone’s is different–but mine was about getting unhealthy ADDICTIONS out of my life. Ones I wasn’t even willing to admit to myself were addictions: Sugar, carbs, alcohol, negative/nihilistic people–I’m working on digital minimalism now (less screen time)…
So to answer your question about “a normal life,” you have to ask yourself what is “normal”? Is society’s definition of “normal” what YOU want, or is what society accepts as “OK” really unhealthy/less than optimal/possibly not what you want or need to be your best YOU?
I no longer take my cues from what’s “normal” but rather from: What do **I** want? I want to be healthy long-term and have an excellent quality of living, which means **I** have to WORK AT IT BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE CAN DO IT FOR ME. I want to look my best for my age. I want to EMBODY a life free of as much statism as I can muster, which means eliminating the toxic stuff that is regarded as “normal” in our lives, but that isn’t normal, acceptable, or good for us… Like the Standard American Diet (SAD!) and the entire middle part of a grocery store…
The other major change I made is getting enough sleep–we read in bed and are asleep by 10pm, and up around 5am.
Three books I found inspiring: This Naked Mind; Girl, Wash Your Face; and Bright Line Eating.
I’ll tell you the secret of my success: STICKING TO THE PROGRAM. When I stopped making exceptions, and stopped “negotiating” with myself (which created a lot of cyclical/negative mind-talk) and just DID THE RIGHT THINGS, it became EASY.
THAT’S how you form new and better habits. (I even stopped biting my nails–after 45 years!)
Now, getting to a place where you can do that, isn’t so easy, but those three books will lead you in the right direction. The other thing is once you get your hormones/sugar levels in balance and are eating right, you genuinely don’t get hungry/cravings anymore, and it all gets pretty awesome, easy and ends up simply being how you live and are.
In other words: *YOU* CONTROL HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE AND IT IS A DAILY CHOICE, SO CHOOSE WISELY. Keep me posted and GOOD LUCK! I’m proof positive it works!
Imagine if the CDC and the legacy media had spent the past year actually trying to make people well. A friend responded with, “There’s never any profit in a ‘Cure’ only the treatments.
My response: “My supplement and farm stall expenses belie that statement! ? Actually, in a truly the free market, this problem wouldn’t exist because the best solutions would be able to rise to the top. Instead, we have cronyism between the legacy media and Big Pharma. I don’t watch those junk channels anymore, but if I catch them when traveling, I’m amazed at the pharma ads touting all kinds of crap.
You can heal many, many ailments by:
1. changing your diet (high good fats, medium protein, low carb and eliminating processed food),
2. being mindful about your choices, and
3. sticking to a routine that keeps you on track.
Sadly, people have been conditioned to think there’s an “easy fix” instead of understanding the journey of keeping your corpus healthy IS PART OF LIVING RIGHT.”
The photo on the left came up in my Facebook memories today–OOOF!–and serves as a reminder of the positive changes I’ve made over the past four years.
The #1 change? Making MYSELF and MY HEALTH a priority.
By switching to Ancestral living, focusing on whole #keto and #paleo foods. <— Catch my Sunday #freedomnomnom posts!
By quitting alcohol, which had become an addiction and crutch.
By processing underlying anxiety stemming from an unmoored childhood through journaling and behavioral modification therapy.
By making exercise a daily habit and restarting my yoga practice.
By meditating and being mindful and aware in my interactions with others, including deepening my relationship with my husband and friends.
By CHOOSING TO. <— This is THE KEY to fulfillment and joy!
DECIDE to prioritize yourself so that you can heal, mend, fix, restart, grow, change and IMPROVE! We get one chance… Get living! Learn more about my journey HERE. Buy my book, The Ecstatic Pessimist HERE.
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