Live Free and Thrive
On this holiday celebrating independence, I went back to Bikram hot yoga after an almost 6 month hiatus (hence the red face). Why? Because in order to advocate for human liberty and self-ownership, free and independent from statism, I need to be the best me I can.
Hot yoga is both my albatross and talisman.
It’s SO HARD for me now, half the time I want to barf, the other half, I’m hoping I won’t die, but I feel oh-so good when those sweltering 90 mins are over. I was fairly proficient in the late 90s, then career and life choices meant I strayed, got fat, and unhealthy. Once I decided to rebalance my life, which included changing my diet to keto/paleo, quitting alcohol, and adopting Ancestral living, I have been going back sporadically, yet I keep try, try, trying to make it a regular habit without it quite “taking.”
I know if I practice hot yoga routinely, even just once a week, it will remarkably improve my health for the rest of my life. Building new habits and routines is hard, but there is literally only one way to do it, and that is to SHOW UP and TRY.
Today, I showed up, and I’m proud of myself and grateful that I’m still willing to try! I share this to hopefully motivate YOU to show up to something that is important to YOU. Something that you know will help YOU reach more of YOUR goals. Feel free to share a goal YOU want to turn into a routine, and let’s help keep each other accountable. #LiveFreeAndThrive
Have you ever stopped to wonder where the “free stuff” the government “gives you” comes from? Do you know what inflation is? Hint: it’s an invisible tax on YOU. When the prices on everything rise this year because of the $6 TRILLION in new printing, on top of the unsustainable trillions in America’s national debt, not to mention (because no one does anymore) the unfunded pension and social security liabilities that are coming up, please remember the people, LIBERTARIANS, who have warned and warned you. If you are not hedging against a dollar collapse with metals and crypto, START! If you don’t live in NH yet, MOVE. It’s going to get worse before it gets better, and there’s no safer space for visionaries and thought leaders who actually understand the issues and have the solutions than right here, right now. Come be legendary! #LiveFreeAndThrive
Imagine if the CDC and the legacy media had spent the past year actually trying to make people well. A friend responded with, “There’s never any profit in a ‘Cure’ only the treatments.
My response: “My supplement and farm stall expenses belie that statement! ? Actually, in a truly the free market, this problem wouldn’t exist because the best solutions would be able to rise to the top. Instead, we have cronyism between the legacy media and Big Pharma. I don’t watch those junk channels anymore, but if I catch them when traveling, I’m amazed at the pharma ads touting all kinds of crap.
You can heal many, many ailments by:
1. changing your diet (high good fats, medium protein, low carb and eliminating processed food),
2. being mindful about your choices, and
3. sticking to a routine that keeps you on track.
Sadly, people have been conditioned to think there’s an “easy fix” instead of understanding the journey of keeping your corpus healthy IS PART OF LIVING RIGHT.”
Just did one of the best yoga sessions of my life down in our basement gym! I’ve been doing a lot of yin to try to open my tight hips, and today I reaped the rewards. I did an old 50 minute routine I haven’t done in months, and lo and behold, having a strong, stable core makes a yuuuge difference.
As readers know, my 2021 aspirational words are “effort” and “ease,” and today I nailed it. There aren’t any quick fixes in reclaiming your health, but it IS possible if you’re willing TO TRY! Wishing YOU success today with something YOU’RE working on! #LiveFreeAndThrive
Here are 10 Steps YOU can do immediately to change YOUR life. Want to learn more about my journey to better health through ancestral living eating whole foods with a #paleo #keto slant? I lost and kept off 65 lbs, quit drinking alcohol, and become a new and improved me. It is possible… YOU just have to CHOOSE YOU! Please do!
If you are still wearing a mask, PLEASE take it off. Then read this. If it makes you mad, it should. You have spent the past year being abused by your own government. I know it hurts to hear this, but it’s true.
Know what you do when you discover someone is bad for you? You break up. YOU need to break up with your abuser. You need to dump the notion that Big Gov is here to save you. If that makes you made, you may want to look up the definition of “Stockholm Syndrome.”
Big Gov is here to collude with their cronies like Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the Big Military Industrial Surveillance Complex at the expense of you. They are LITERALLY colluding to make their cRapitalist (!) buddies rich while experimenting on you.
I want to encourage YOU to race through the steps of denial, anger, bargaining, and depression (that’s pretty much 2020 in a nutshell) and get to ACCEPTANCE. With acceptance comes the knowledge you can move on WITHOUT a mask, and WITHOUT this abusive partner. Come join the healthy, happy people! Come #LiveFreeAndThrive!