If you follow my work, you know I am a big fan of open and transparent government (I serve on the board of Right-to-Know NH, a nonpartisan group of concerned NH citizens), because if we don’t know what the government is up to, we cannot keep them accountable.
Transparency in government is vital to a functioning society, because you cannot both purport to work for us, the people, and keep secrets from us “for our own good.”
This is how abusers operate.
Over the past 2 decades, primarily after 9/11 when America really lost its way, the media, with every “unnamed source” and “intelligence sources say,” that started cropping up, became derelict. We no longer have a functioning 4th Estate.
No one in government is held responsible for anything anymore… starting with the WMD lies and ending with whatever this Covidmania shit-show is.
You may recall the Laurie’s List printed by the Union Leader in March 2021 for Sunshine Week showed several columns of blacked-out information about bad deeds done by unnamed cops. At the time, I thought if ordinary Granite Staters could SEE how even our local AG’s office obscures and hides the truth, you might wake up.

I am sharing this FOIA response from the Pentagon for the same reason. A serviceman who refused to get a medical treatment against his will was told:
“We found no indication of misconduct by [Air Force] Secretary [Frank] Kendall,” the document reads, before redacting the entirety of the explanation.”
This is your government. Do YOU approve?
Read more from the Ron Paul Institute about the legal bind the military finds itself in on this issue. (They may, by law, only mandate approved vaccines, but not emergency approved ones, and now everyone is scrambling.)