“No one can lose either the past or the future – how could anyone be deprived of what he does not possess? It is only the present moment of which either stands to be deprived: and if this is all he has, he cannot lose what he does not have.”
~ Marcus Aurelius
So if you want a satisfying life, you should ask yourself how you spend your time and change the time-sucks that don’t serve you.
What are some activities that you can re-imagine or retool in 2024 to bring you closer to your dreams?
Do you even know what you want for 2024? <— Start here!
Spending too much time playing video games? Make sure you take a 30 minute walk outside beforehand.
Tired of having to attend the same monthly meetings? Decide if these are still supporting your goals & streamline accordingly.
Take stock of your current habits and see how they align with your identified desires.
Want to be healthier? Invest time in your diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices. Eliminate seed oils. Avoid carbs. Make sure you’re hydrating. Sleep.
Want to be wealthier? Invest time in dis-investing from the fiat world and build physical and digital wealth with hard metals and crypto.
Want to be happier? Decide what gives you purpose and pursue it with verve!
We Free Staters who moved to live free in New Hampshire are fortunate in this sense because our purpose is clear:
Live free or die.
Live free and thrive!
Join us: fsp.org