These two photos were taken THIRTY years apart. What’s my secret?
Not fussing with a beauty routine! Like, I’ve hardly ever had one beyond wearing a hat if I’m in the sun for long–thanks, Ouma! I never used eye creams because constantly pulling at the skin around your eyes seemed dumb to me if you want to avoid wrinkles. I use natural oils as my face cream. I almost never take my makeup off either. And yes, my pillowcases have constant mascara smudges. So what?
Eating right! Even at my heaviest in my late 30s and 40s (50+ pounds ago), I have never been a fan of junk food. If you’re hoping to get healthier, consider this a good yardstick: You are as healthy as the amount of days from your last drive-through fast food order. Yeah, the choices you make on how you fuel your body is like an OSHA accident waiting to (not) happen.
Living positively! Crap happens. How you respond is a choice! I was ten, in boarding school on a different continent than my parents, when I decided I would always try to look on the bright side of life. So yeah, I basically navigate through life like I’m in a Monty Python movie… because… why not?
Earlier this morning, I read the term “Mitochondriac” and I’m embracing this 100%!
When you think about yourself on a deeply cellular level, and think about how to keep your mitochondria healthy–your literal life energy source–good decision like avoiding sugar (carbs, alcohol, candy, etc.) and daily exercise become easier.
The better you treat yourself, the better you feel; the better you feel, the easier it is to treat yourself right.
Want to live free and thrive? It’s up to YOU!
Follow my page for tips on #ketorecipes #wellness and how to #nourish yourself.