Ep. 37 The Carla Gericke Show Calls for Nuremberg 2 & Dilbert Creator Goes Dilly
This week, the three Es: Economy, Energy, and Education–the reasons to vote Republican is clear if you don’t want to lose more money to Dem’s bad policies! Who had “Creator of Dilbert Calls Woman ‘Sexist C-Word’ for Calling Him ‘Dude’?” Deets here:… Nuremberg 2 is coming because informed consent matters. Who wants to get involved?
EDITED UPDATE FROM 1/25/23, to include the original screen-grabs because according to several idiots on Twitter, I am making stuff up. Since Scott Adams insulted me, and then blocked me, some of the embedded links on my original post below are hard to follow, so here is the unadulterated exchange, in order:

Did not think my Wednesday would entail getting into an insane fight with Dilbert creator, Scott Adams, but… that’s Twitter!
Who had “Creator of Dilbert Calls Woman Sexist Cunt for Calling Him Dude” for this year’s Pre-Halloween Apocalypse Bingo?
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) October 12, 2022
Joking aside, I was really shocked by the exchange. I’ve always been a fan of Dilbert, and read Win Bigly last winter. I knew Adams had been bad on Covid restrictions, so when I saw a random post, I piled in.
Dude. If you were independently following the data, this was 100% clear. But I am really glad you are coming around. Now help us get #Nuremberg2 going. Heads must roll. (I’m speaking mostly metaphorically. Mostly.)
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) October 12, 2022
My Life No. 23. Spicy af
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) October 12, 2022
UPDATE: I forgot Scott also said “asshole” LOL
Some people came to my defense, thanks Bill B.
How dare you call this woman a bitch. She is the reason every American is allowed to film the police.
— Tall Bill, Comedic Failure (@billisajoke) October 12, 2022
UPDATE 3: Looks like he took down some of them, and blocked me. Boo
As more and more truth about vaccine harm comes out, we have a massive opportunity for outreach. Watch this testimony on Twitter.
So many of you should feel so stupid..
— Alan Roberts (@TheMFingCOO) October 6, 2022
Every person harmed by a vaccine mandate, whether physically or economically, or both, is now a potential liberty ally.
My vaccine skepticism started in earnest after being forced in 2008 to get an MMR vaccine in order to graduate from CCNY. I had gone through the entire program, managing to neither get the mandated unnecessary jab (as an immigrant to USA I’d had several before, I just couldn’t find the paperwork) nor did I give anyone at City College measles, mumps, or rubella.
The administration did not find my line of reasoning compelling, and refused to issue my M.F.A. degree without proof of vaccination.
So… despite not wanting to, but knowing I needed proof of the degree and that I was soon moving to the Free State of NH… I caved.
So I understand how you might feel right now.
After getting this coerced vaccine, which at least has a “safety” track record, unlike these ethics-violating mRNA treatments, I developed many new negative health issues:
I’d never had allergies before, but I became very susceptible to seasonal allergies.
I gained more than 50 lbs, despite not really changing my diet (I was still eating carbs at the time).
I started having severe joint pain, especially in my knees and lower back. I chalked this up to the weight gain. I started drinking more alcohol to mitigate.
I had low-energy, which I treated with… more alcohol… using my addiction as the “cheese” to get out of the house and get my projects done.
Only after reclaiming my health by switching to a keto diet made up of whole, low-carb foods, ditching alcohol (a depressive and neurotoxin), and getting enough sleep, was I able to reverse the harm I know developed from that unnecessary MMR vax in 2008.
Every symptom I suffered from is caused by inflammation, your own body fighting you.
THIS is part of the reason I refused to get vaccinated based on someone else’s “orders.” Never again.
I believe in self-ownership. This means you own your body and I own mine, and only I, based on my own conscience and consciousness, will decide what to treat myself with. Never again will some bureaucrat tell me what to inject or ingest.
Perhaps you are learning this the hard way too.
If you are experiencing negative health outcomes, no matter how mild or strong, I hope you have learned an incredibly valuable lesson about your own body, mind, and spirit.
Freedom matters.
Self-ownership matters.
The right to decide everything relating to your own body for yourself on your terms, matters.
Because if that’s not “allowed” anymore… ask yourself… who owns you, and where does it end?
The Lancet now admits c19 could be [is!] a lab leak. Will I get my censored posts & YT videos back? What reparations will be given to the thought leaders WHO HAVE BEEN RIGHT EVERY STEP OF THE WAY yet censored by government’s unaccountable Big Tech lackeys?
Read the Daily Mail’s account of a possible leak. Read the Lancet paper: An appeal for an objective, open, and transparent scientific debate about the origins of SARS-Cov-2.
When c19 broke, I still had a podcast called Told You So with my neighbor before Covid drove us apart. You can go listen to the last few episodes where I rightly advocate against the totalitarian response we saw. You can also find content on my YT channel (some episodes were simply deleted though) to vet whether I was right about stuff.
From the start, I said :
Oh, and I was Team Lab Leak from the start.
The most frustrating part is it doesn’t matter if I was right because THE BIG LIE, the propaganda machine that gave you WMD and Iraqi babies in incubators, already did its work.
The vast majority of people submitted to the mass formation and will continue to embrace the lies, because it is VERY HARD TO ADMIT YOU’VE BEEN HAD.
But sorry. You’ve been had.
The US Government under Fauci’s NIH FUNDED gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab. GoF, btw, is when mad scientists make viruses more dangerous to humans. (Yeah, your tax dollars at work.) In 2012, Fauci said if GoF research escaped a lab and caused a pandemic, it would still be “worth it.”
It WAS “worth it” to him because he MAKES MONEY OFF THE MANDATED VACCINES.
You can’t make this shit up, but man, you sound somewhat bonkers when you tell the truth of the matter.
My heart bleeds for the damage done to the world.
PS: Do NOT vax your kids & don’t get boosters. The global all-cause mortality is 15-30% HIGHER since the vax rollouts.
Redacted: Pentagon Denies Exemptions to Unlawful mRNA Order, Censors Entire Explanation
If you follow my work, you know I am a big fan of open and transparent government (I serve on the board of Right-to-Know NH, a nonpartisan group of concerned NH citizens), because if we don’t know what the government is up to, we cannot keep them accountable.
Transparency in government is vital to a functioning society, because you cannot both purport to work for us, the people, and keep secrets from us “for our own good.”
This is how abusers operate.
Over the past 2 decades, primarily after 9/11 when America really lost its way, the media, with every “unnamed source” and “intelligence sources say,” that started cropping up, became derelict. We no longer have a functioning 4th Estate.
No one in government is held responsible for anything anymore… starting with the WMD lies and ending with whatever this Covidmania shit-show is.
You may recall the Laurie’s List printed by the Union Leader in March 2021 for Sunshine Week showed several columns of blacked-out information about bad deeds done by unnamed cops. At the time, I thought if ordinary Granite Staters could SEE how even our local AG’s office obscures and hides the truth, you might wake up.

I am sharing this FOIA response from the Pentagon for the same reason. A serviceman who refused to get a medical treatment against his will was told:
“We found no indication of misconduct by [Air Force] Secretary [Frank] Kendall,” the document reads, before redacting the entirety of the explanation.”
This is your government. Do YOU approve?
Read more from the Ron Paul Institute about the legal bind the military finds itself in on this issue. (They may, by law, only mandate approved vaccines, but not emergency approved ones, and now everyone is scrambling.)