“Carla Gericke of the Free State Project updates us on what’s happening in New Hampshire and gives us ideas for how liberty-lovers can support each other and keep each other sane during these difficult, even insane, times.”
UPDATE 2/11/21: If you think my claims about totalitarianism is far-fetched, check this out: “In Ep. 1829 we did together last week, someone asked in the comments, ‘What was the source for the ‘no increased death rate for 2020′ in NH? Just glancing at the CDC data shows a 10% YoY increase between ’19 and ’20, but maybe NH’s own data is different.’ Four times now, FOUR TIMES, I have added the source link only to have it disappear moments later! #JustSayNoToBigBadBro”. HERE is the source material (compiled by my husband, Louis Calitz, using the data made available by the state).