I finally got off the waitlist for the zooshy AI and now have access to the enhanced ChatGPT.
Naturally, I immediately tried to make a Queen Quill avatar.
Work with me here.
We are self-absorbed creatures. As we should be. The world would be a much better place if we focused our attention on ourselves and spent our time improving our own lives instead of having our attention distracted and dragged into other people’s dramas that DON’T MATTER to YOUR LIFE. (If it does, that’s fine, that’s not what I am talking about… much like I don’t expect you to lament the farm murders in South Africa, you shouldn’t expect me to care about a war where I have zero stakes.)
Think about it… why do you give a rat’s ass about what is happening on the other side of the world? If every individual simply focused on themselves, and how to improve their lives, and left all other people to do the same, wouldn’t we have a healthier society?
When I hear about say, the Israel vs. Palestine conflict, I ask myself, why should I care? It’s like a long-time beef between the Quill Manchkins and Free Keene, that we somehow expect my neighbor across the street to care about… why?
We were not designed to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. Technology has shrunk the world, and now there is simply too much to care about. We cannot. It is unhealthy to care too much about too many things, especially at the cost of our own health and sanity.
Focus on what’s on your plate. If you have enough, invite more people to the table.
But I digress, back to my vanity… Based on other people’s posts, mostly images where someone instructed the AI to make something “more libertarian” or “more commie,” I was curious to see what I’d get when asking for Queen Quill.

And then “more Queen Quill.” LOL

Anyway, I may never do another day’s work, but hope y’all enjoy this art experiment in the spirit it was generated: porcupine power! 😛
PS: I find this reversal of roles fascinating… Now a robot is asking us to prove we’re human. Weird when you think about it. Don’t think too hard!