Health is wealth, and your habits create your reality. How are you taking care of yourself? In this last episode of the season, we talk about Tammy’s Ozempic weight-loss journey, Big Pharma, good habits, New Year’s resolutions, and more!
Ancestral Living
Wonderful to see a new mover settle in! This beautiful A-frame country living life in the Free State could be YOURS for the low, low price of LIBEEEEERTY! Babies optional.
Seriously though, when I look back and realize the life I wanted to build when I moved to NH in 2008 is manifesting, it fills me with joy.
Things like: Being able to bring cut flowers from my own yard to a party! After a lifetime of moving, HAVING MY OWN BACKYARD!! That half those flowers were herbs (chives & sage) and that the salad I took also contained my own spearmint (and I just remembered I forgot the dill! lol).

I only became a homeowner in my mid-40s. I believe finally having a home-base allowed me the “safe space” I needed to unpack my shit, deal with bad habits I’d developed to cope with my shit, and to heal, grow, and now thrive.
If you’re struggling with something, may I offer the following wisdom: NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO, THERE YOU ARE.
Here’s your permission slip: It’s okay to stand still and gaze at your navel. BUT, if you want to get better and become the best version of yourself that you can be, it starts with restoring YOUR HEALTH.
HEAL THY SELF = heal(thy) self
I cannot overstate the importance of instilling good habits in your life. Good habits are ROUTINES that make you healthier. Yes, literally doing the same things over and over until it’s… ROUTINE–like brushing your teeth!
Things like:
The food you choose to fuel your body with (I choose whole foods that are low-carb, medium protein, high good fats, no alcohol or seed oils, and I avoid sugar but love dark chocolate)
How you fill your time (your time is your life… how are you spending your LIFE?)
Sunlight on your beautiful face
These are a few of our favorite things! How lucky are we to be alive? Choose to thrive!

Have y’all heard about Earthing?
Watched a documentary last night that claims you can heal inflammation by putting your bare feet on the ground for 15 minutes daily (or use grounding techniques in your home).
The idea is that as electro-conducting beings, wearing rubber-soled shoes all the time makes our bodies sick.
This morning I thought, I reckon, why not give it a whirl? Besides dirty feet, I can’t think of one good reason.
My morning routine will now incorporate barefoot gardening and animal care and… cartwheels!
I’m either getting healthier by the day or reverting to my childhood, or, best option: why not both!?! Either way, I feel GREAT and want to share what works!
For me, that includes:
Selfishly guarding my time
Eating whole foods: low carb, medium protein, high good fats
Avoiding sugar & seed oils
Alcohol-free living
Watching sunrise & set
Daily exercise (45 min dog walks in forest/yoga/stretches & weekly weights)
Quality sleep to allow my brain to detox
Fasting (daily IF & monthly 5 days)
Interacting with people who make me happy!
May you find what YOU need to feel optimally grounded in YOUR life!
Experiment, identify, incorporate and make routines! Good habits are developed, one CHOICE at a time! The more you CHOOSE wisely, the easier it becomes!
The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (full documentary)
A friend asked me what my secrets were to my 50 lbs weight loss and other positive lifestyle changes. Here’s my reply:
1. Alcohol: I quit drinking in Dec 2017, and for me, that was a big part of the success story, but mostly bc I was drinking a lot of wine daily, and those calories added up… Also, wasn’t making the best food/life decisions when sauced up.
2. Eating out: I don’t eat out much anymore, and when I do, I usually just get a salad with some kind of protein. Not eating out is mostly bc my home cooked meals are better than 99% of local restaurants, and I’ve gotten REALLY fussy about where my food is sourced. So that’s mostly a personal choice, but I know people who can balance the eating out and keto quite successfully, but you have to be willing to be particular when you place your order (and that’s OK).
3. What’s in the house/microwaving: We did a serious PURGE of our pantry when we switched. Threw out/donated anything that is not supposed to cross our lips. This is an important step. Trust me… My parents came to visit, and my dad put some Pringles in the pantry, and for me, it was like having crack in the house and I ended up eating IT ALL, LOL, and then reminding myself that I can’t have stuff like that around… So my pantry has a million types of NUTS instead.
The crux of my journey–everyone’s is different–but mine was about getting unhealthy ADDICTIONS out of my life. Ones I wasn’t even willing to admit to myself were addictions: Sugar, carbs, alcohol, negative/nihilistic people–I’m working on digital minimalism now (less screen time)…
So to answer your question about “a normal life,” you have to ask yourself what is “normal”? Is society’s definition of “normal” what YOU want, or is what society accepts as “OK” really unhealthy/less than optimal/possibly not what you want or need to be your best YOU? I no longer take my cues from what’s “normal” but rather from: What do **I** want?
I want to be healthy long-term and have an excellent quality of living, which means **I** have to WORK AT IT BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE CAN DO IT FOR ME. I want to look my best for my age. I want to EMBODY a life free of as much statism as I can muster, which means eliminating the toxic stuff that is regarded as “normal” in our lives, but that isn’t normal, acceptable, or good for us…
Like the Standard American Diet (SAD!) and the entire middle part of a grocery store…
The other major change I made is getting enough sleep–we read in bed and are asleep by 10pm, and up around 5am.
Three books I found inspiring: This Naked Mind; Girl, Wash Your Face; and Bright Line Eating.
But, I’ll tell you the secret of my success: STICKING TO THE PROGRAM.
When I stopped making exceptions, and stopped “negotiating” with myself (which created a lot of cyclical/negative mind-talk) and just DID THE RIGHT THINGS, it became EASY. THAT’S how you form new and better habits. (I even stopped biting my nails–after 45 years!)
Now, getting to a place where you can do that, isn’t so easy, but those three books will lead you in the right direction. The other thing is once you get your hormones/sugar levels in balance and are eating right, you genuinely don’t get hungry/cravings anymore, and it all gets pretty awesome, easy and ends up simply being how you live and are.
In other words: *YOU* CONTROL HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE AND IT IS A DAILY CHOICE, SO CHOOSE WISELY. Keep me posted and GOOD LUCK! I’m proof positive it works!
I wrote this statement, “Not being scared IS being healthy” on my office white board in March 2020. Words I live by, and I hope you find solace in them too.
Mindset has a massive influence on every aspect of your life, including the choices you make to fuel your body and mind, which then directly influence your health. The healthier your choices become, the easier it is to stay on the path because health becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy (of YOUR MAKING).
Healthier choices include: eliminate processed foods; stop drinking sodas even sugar-free; eat low carb, medium protein, high good fats; walk outside for 10-30 mins a day.
And, SWITCH OFF THE LEGACY NEWS. It is literally designed to make you fearful and controllable.
Remember, the Control Freaks want you afraid, unwell, and supplicant, and are supporting legacy systems that make and keep you tethered to their toxic world. Break free and thrive!
Follow me everywhere on social for tips on Ancestral, keto/paleo, alcohol-free, purpose-driven living in the Free State!
Find my links on the pinned post on my wall, or below.
1. The best way to keep up with me is on my profile, so FOLLOW:
2. I deliver some snark on Twitter:
3. I post memes and photos of mushrooms and my hubs of 27 years on Insta:
You can learn more about me and the dozen+ years of liberty activism I have done in the Free State of NH:
I worked with Steve Jobs!
I was wrongfully arrested. And then I won!
I have 25+ years experience as an author, activist, and attorney!
I have a YT channel called Carla Gericke TV, where I do my cooking show called #Freedomnomnom (check out that hashtag for delicious #keto and #paleo noms!) and do a couple of weekly NH-based cable access TV shows: Manch Talk and The Carla Gericke Show, and on Mondays, a live podcast, Free State Live at 8PM.
Want more local news from a liberty perspective? Follow along!
Censorproof Odysee where I’d LOVE to build out my audience:
On this holiday celebrating independence, I went back to Bikram hot yoga after an almost 6 month hiatus (hence the red face). Why? Because in order to advocate for human liberty and self-ownership, free and independent from statism, I need to be the best me I can.
Hot yoga is both my albatross and talisman.
It’s SO HARD for me now, half the time I want to barf, the other half, I’m hoping I won’t die, but I feel oh-so good when those sweltering 90 mins are over. I was fairly proficient in the late 90s, then career and life choices meant I strayed, got fat, and unhealthy. Once I decided to rebalance my life, which included changing my diet to keto/paleo, quitting alcohol, and adopting Ancestral living, I have been going back sporadically, yet I keep try, try, trying to make it a regular habit without it quite “taking.”
I know if I practice hot yoga routinely, even just once a week, it will remarkably improve my health for the rest of my life. Building new habits and routines is hard, but there is literally only one way to do it, and that is to SHOW UP and TRY.
Today, I showed up, and I’m proud of myself and grateful that I’m still willing to try! I share this to hopefully motivate YOU to show up to something that is important to YOU. Something that you know will help YOU reach more of YOUR goals. Feel free to share a goal YOU want to turn into a routine, and let’s help keep each other accountable. #LiveFreeAndThrive
Imagine if the CDC and the legacy media had spent the past year actually trying to make people well. A friend responded with, “There’s never any profit in a ‘Cure’ only the treatments.
My response: “My supplement and farm stall expenses belie that statement! ? Actually, in a truly the free market, this problem wouldn’t exist because the best solutions would be able to rise to the top. Instead, we have cronyism between the legacy media and Big Pharma. I don’t watch those junk channels anymore, but if I catch them when traveling, I’m amazed at the pharma ads touting all kinds of crap.
You can heal many, many ailments by:
1. changing your diet (high good fats, medium protein, low carb and eliminating processed food),
2. being mindful about your choices, and
3. sticking to a routine that keeps you on track.
Sadly, people have been conditioned to think there’s an “easy fix” instead of understanding the journey of keeping your corpus healthy IS PART OF LIVING RIGHT.”