This is my post-TSA gate rape face.

Why? For about a decade, I opted out of the scanner, but a few years ago, I had such a shocking experience–the female agent literally stuck her finger into my lady parts–that I started to “obey.”
My last defiance is doing a double bird–FU fingers in the air–in the scanner.
This has resulted in interesting verbal exchanges.
TSA agent: “I saw what you did in there.”
Me, leaning in: “Good.”
Today? They claimed my nether regions–ensconced in leggings–“alerted”.
Total bullshit.
Probably retaliatory.
I’ll keep zapping the bird, but if I get another “random alert” resulting in another traumatic gate rape experience, I **will** sue.
Rights not asserted are lost.
I have the Constitutionally protected right to flip off Big Bro. And they don’t get to stick their dirty statist fingers up my cooch in retaliation. (As I’m writing this, I recognize that there is deep-rooted trauma this experience has exposed. I will try to write a more comprehensive essay later.)
Then you see stuff like this, and it makes you go, Hmm.
This post generated a lot of social media interest.
This is my post-TSA gate rape face.
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 16, 2024
Why? For about a decade, I opted out of the scanner, but a few years ago, I had such a shocking experience–the female agent literally stuck her finger into my lady parts–that I started to "obey."
My last defiance is doing a double…
I decided to make some GROK art… let’s call it a new category: TSA MOLESTATION ART. I didn’t have time to tweak these to perfection, but you get the gist.

UPDATE 12/26/24: I have come to the conclusion I carry trauma from an experience in South Africa after returning from Brazil, traveling without a diplomatic passport for the first time in my life, and my dress was too short and my bobby socks too long, and that meant I was supposed to grin-and-bare-it while getting molested in a room with 3 “Paspoort Beheer” men.