Tammy and I don’t miss a beat and cover a lot of ground this week, including discussing the Honorable JR Hoell’s DCYF case, street crime in Manchester, and the book “San Fransicko: How Progressives Ruin Cities”. We also discuss this week’s upcoming Right-to-Know bills to foster open and transparent government, and CACR 32, the independence bill being heard on Thursday.
Open Government
Lawsuits are pending regarding past abuses against children at the Youth Development in Manchester (notice the nifty re-branding to remove “Sununu” from the institution’s name).
The Dems bill HB 1677 wants to allocate $100 MILLION dollars, and wants settlements to be exempt from our Right-to-Know laws. This sounds suspiciously like a sludge fund to me…
If you are spending PUBLIC money, the PUBLIC has a Right-to-Know. Period.
Hearing is on Thursday, same day as several other RTK bills, as well as NH’s first independence bill, CACR 32.
Hope to see many Free Staters coming out to speak about these issues. We are fortunate to live in a state where the legislature listens. Victory often goes to those who show up… Be there. Thanks!
The following post is from 6 years ago. I cannot think of a better time to re-share my thoughts on banning books and censoring information, especially in light of YouTube’s announcement yesterday [see pic] that they will be removing ALL “anti-vaccine” content from its platform. I just saw a Tweet from Dr. Ron Paul saying,
Very shocked that @YouTube has completely removed the Channel of my Ron Paul Institute: no warning, no strikes, no evidence. Only explanation was “severe or repeated violations of our community guidelines.” Channel is rarely used. The appeal was automatically rejected. Help?
Ron Paul
Carla Gericke
September 30, 2015 · Shared with Public
Censorship has always fascinated me–who gets to decide what someone else can read? Why? By what authority can one person tell another what they are “permitted” to know? I reject the legitimacy of censorship out of hand. No one has such authority, and history proves those who wish to control what others consume, are, without exception, eventually exposed as the bad guys.
Growing up in South Africa, many things–music, literature, art–were outright banned and censored, from ANC symbols, to most international music, to the movie “Black Beauty” solely because of its title, to certain words in newspapers, yes, literally blacked out on the page like you see in dystopian movies (and, say, in the 9-11 Commission Report), words like “Casspir” (the South African equivalent of “BEARCAT,” the armored trucks now being seeded by the Federales into peaceful communities across America, including more than 20 in New Hampshire) because if you banned the mentioning of the vehicles being used to fight illegal border wars, well then, reporting becomes problematic and difficult to do, and therefore, perhaps, journalists will stop writing about such pesky things, neh?
Under apartheid, South Africa had the “Jacobsen’s Index of Objectionable Literature” which contained a “Complete List of All Publications in Alphabetical Order, Together with Authors, Prohibited from Importation Into the Republic of South Africa, and All Other Banned Literature.” The list is long, and difficult to find online. I have ordered a hard copy of “A Culture of Censorship: Secrecy and Intellectual Repression in South Africa,” secondhand for $0.02 plus shipping from Amazon, which reminds me of two things: 1. How soon we forget our histories; and 2. Thank god for the free market. If only said book could be delivered by an aerobot drone to my door, but alas, the FAA has been spending its time on such important issues as licensing paper airplanes for flight.
South African author, Nadine Gordimer wrote in 1968, republished in The New York Times Books section in 1998: “All the work, past, present and future, of an individual writer can be erased by a ban on his spoken and written word. The ban not only restricts his political activity, which is its avowed intention, but negates his creativity–he becomes a non-person, since his form of communion and communication with the society in which he lives is cut…. And so long as our society remains compartmentalized, our literature will be stretched on the rack between propaganda, on the one side, and, on the other, art as an embellishment of leisure.”
Some people wonder why I take issue with so many things I see happening in my adopted country, and, frankly, why I refuse to shut up about it, to give up, to cave in, to just say, Nah, this crap is too hard to change, the difference we can make too infinitesimal, so why try? It’s because I have *lived through a police state* before, and America is lock-step marching there.
This is not hyperbole. I will grant you: America is doing its police state right, “better,” more subtle, more comfortable, of course, it’s what America does, after all. This police state is hidden behind both the “propaganda” arm, and mostly, the “embellishment of leisure”: The sports, the reality TV, the Christmas carol commercials to consumers in September, the debates, the joke of it all.
The bread and circuses, the tinny music piping from the organ grinder while the monkeys dance, while MILLIONS of peaceful people rot in prisons for voluntarily inhaling a plant, while MILLIONS are peaceful people in far away lands are being murdered under the cloak of the Stars and Stripes, while MILLIONS of people are being displaced by state-funded terror raining down from the skies.
Why does #BannedBooksWeek matter? It matters because it creates an opportunity to talk about the bad guys. And, I am afraid to inform you, the US government is a bad, bad guy, he’s the boyfriend who beats you then tells you he can’t live without you–or you can’t live without him?–and you go back.
Me? I decided a decade ago that I wasn’t taking the Fed Gov back, that I would take my chances with a smaller wife beater (the state of NH), and see what kind of difference I can make on a local level.
This morning, hundreds of protesters showed up at St. Anslem in Goffstown, NH, to raise our voices against the un-Constitutional mandates coming from DC. We reject DC’s authoritarianism, mandates, and madness.
The NH Executive Council is set to vote on whether to accept federal funds to create a vaccine registry in NH, which was the last state to create such a registry. Because we value privacy (see this NH Constitutional Amendment that passed in 2018: [Art.] 2-b. [Right of Privacy.] An individual’s right to live free from governmental intrusion in private or personal information is natural, essential, and inherent), there are ways to opt-out, but now, seems this “opt-out” list IS a list, and this needs to be addressed.
Honestly, I have not paid a huge amount of attention to this issue in the past. I vaguely knew “other activists” were working on health freedom/vaccine issues, and I have had my hands full with a myriad of other “loss of liberty” issues (police accountability and militarization, open/transparent government and Right-To-Know, 1A, 2A, 4A, 10A, etc), but now I will get to work to get up to speed so I can help answer questions Granite Staters have going forward.
Watch my quick take live video from the rally HERE.
See how big the crowd was HERE, and hear me say, “We are NOT sheep on your Pharm.”
See photos HERE.
What can YOU do to help? Come to Concord on Saturday, 10/2 from Noon to 3PM. March starts at the State Library and then heads over to the State House. Pack a picnic, bring the whole family, and come celebrate freedom and camaraderie!
Yesterday, about 500 Granite Staters gathered at the State House in Concord to protest Biden’s federal mandate of vaccines for unfavored classes of people (companies with more than 100 employees). Of course, Congress is EXEMPT from the vaccine mandate, and also from the mask mandate. Some are more equal, what what.
The NH legacy news weighed in, mostly focusing on the moment where people loudly expressed their frustration with Sununu, leadership, and a failure to take more definitive steps to curtail Biden’s overreach.
Read their coverage, but take it with a grain of salt since they seem incapable of discerning between “anti-mandate” and “anti-vax.”
My comment on a social media fight:
Brian Miller can I ask you why THIS virus, THIS time, is supposed to change the way society has worked forever? Before, people did not have this notion that *I* somehow have **an obligation** to KEEP YOU SAFE WHEN YOU LEAVE YOUR HOUSE. If you are concerned about contracting this virus (but not somehow terrified of the myriad of other communicable diseases out there–why?!?–legacy news and propaganda, but that’s another conversation), please take every precaution you deem necessary, including self-quarantining. Never before have we expected the healthy to sacrifice their lives and livelihoods for the sake of “society.” This notion is on its face socialism and unacceptable in a free society. If we sacrifice the idea of “MY BODY MY CHOICE” to “my body YOUR/government’s choice,” WE NO LONGER LIVE IN A FREE SOCIETY. Either we own ourselves and have agency and autonomy over our bodies, or, well, the dark days are truly here… If we concede this point, there will never be an end to it. The government, and its boot, will own you forever… I will resist this as long as I breathe and will continue to fight to keep us ALL free.
Sneaky Back Door Vaccine “Opt Out” Registry Hearing Postponed After Overwhelming Public Outcry
Check out the real-time video below, and here are some first hand accounts from health freedom activists who attended.
“There is power in numbers, and we saw that in Concord today!
The NH DHHS had scheduled a hearing for public comments regarding proposed changes to the [vaccine] registry.
They didn’t expect us to show up like we did, you guys. We filled every seat in the auditorium and there was an overflow of people in the hallways.
They told us that the room was “at capacity” and that no one else would be allowed in. There were individuals standing in the room, and they were told they would need to leave. There were two officers present.
They tried to bargain with us and said that they would hold a second meeting another day for those who couldn’t come inside this afternoon.
People took off work, people got childcare, people drove 30, 60, 90 minutes to show up for this. We weren’t going to just leave those people in the hallway, or tell them to come back. We demanded a bigger room so that all in attendance could be included! We demanded public access for all!
We chanted, we sang, we pledged allegiance to the flag. We were not going anywhere and we were not backing down. We would not submit or comply. We’ve seen where that gets us, haven’t we? Enough is enough. The people in the hallway began to file in and fill the room.
And what happened next? The meeting was canceled! Was it a waste of time? No, not at all. Without the public hearing, they cannot vote on the proposed changes. This buys us more time.
They said they will be rescheduling, and it will be held in a bigger venue next time – as requested! We all need to show up (and bring a friend) when that date and time is announced! Stay tuned.
Everybody who was there today, thank you and well done. I am so proud to stand with all of you. Let’s show up again, and make our voices heard! #PowertothePeople”
HERE is coverage from legacy news.
Eight years ago today: press conference to decry the government’s militarization of our local police. They now also have encrypted secret communications, making law abiding citizens less safe, and have added drones to their arsenal. They used BEARCATS and ramming rods and drones to attack peaceful activists in Keene earlier this year… As our freedoms are crushed under the boot of the emerging police state, and as they lay claim to your body and say they can force you to do things against your will, remember the people who have been warning you for more than a decade AND offering solutions: Free Staters like me!
Just so you know… today the FDA’s acting commissioner Janet Woodcock approved the Pfizer vaccine before the originally slated clinical trial timeframe was completed. She also approved the promotion of OxyContin for 11 year olds a while back. You know, oxys… The thing that helped cause the opioid epidemic. Trust her at your own and at your children’s peril…
“In its opioid decision-making, Dr Woodcock, and the division she supervised, consistently put the interests of opioid manufacturers ahead of public health, often overruling its own scientific advisors and ignoring the pleas of public health groups, state Attorneys General, and outraged victims of the opioid crisis,” the letter said…The letter accused Woodcock of “dereliction of duty” for allowing opioid manufacturers to spend years disseminating false claims that narcotic painkillers were less addictive and more effective than they really were, contributing to the rise of mass opioid prescribing and spread of an epidemic that has claimed more than 500,000 lives.”
SOURCE for quotes: https://www.theguardian.com/…/fda-janet-woodcock…
SOURCE for screen shot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janet_Woodcock